424.24-36 The lowquacity of him!

— Peax! Peax! Shaun replied in vealar penultimatum. ‘Tispebils before Sweeney’s as he swigged a slug of Jon Jacobsenfrom his treestem sucker cane. Mildbut likesome! I might aswell be talking to the four waves till tibbes grey eves and therests asleepFrostNopeNo one in his seven senses could asI have before said, only you missed my drift, for it’s being in-cendiary. Every dimmed letter in it is a copy and not a few of thesilbils and wholly words I can show you in my Kingdom ofHeaven. The lowquacity of him! With his threestar monothong!Thaw! The last word in stolentelling! And what’s more right-down lowbrown schisthematic robblemint!


Haya paz, dice Shaun. Pero qué locuaz y bajuno es Shem! Cada palabra que ha dicho está copiada. Cada palabra robada (stolentelling). Qué más dice de Shem, el plagiador?

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