FW 417.28-418.01 The veripatetic imago. 8 de julio

He was ameising himself hugely at crabround and mary-pose, chasing Floh out of charity and tickling Luse, I hope too, and tackling Bienie, faith, as well, and jucking Vespatilla jukely by the chimiche. Never did Dorsan from Dunshanagan dance it with more devilry! The veripatetic imago of the impossible Gracehoper on his odderkop in the myre, after his thrice ephe- meral journeeys, sans mantis ne shooshooe, featherweighed animule, actually and presumptuably sinctifying chronic’s de- spair, was sufficiently and probably coocoo much for his chorous of gravitates.


La cigarra se lo pasa realmente bien, jugueteando y bailando con las chicas (cuando ocurre esto, algo familiar pasa: lo de Shem y su hermana Issy y las chicas del arco iris, ante la censura de Shaun. Pasa lo que pasó con Glugg y las chicas).

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