FW 422.09-18 I will describe you in a word

 Rot him! Flannelfeet! Flatty-ro! I will describe you in a word. Thou. (I beg your pardon.)Homo! Then putting his bedfellow on me! (like into mike andnick onto post). The criniman: I’ll give it to him for that! Makingthe lobbard change hisstops, as we say in the long book! Is heon whosekeeping or are myObnoximost posthumust! With hisunique hornbook and his prince of the apauper’s pride, blunder-ing all over the two worlds! If he waits till I buy him a mossel-man’s present! Ho‘s nos halfcousin of mine, pigdish! Nor wantsto! I’d famish with the cuistha first. Aham!


En una palabra, Shem es “homo,” y (en otra palabra), “criminal,” y (en otra palabra), “póstumo,”y (en otra palabra),  “orgulloso,” y (en otra palabra), “medio primo.” A amén.

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