Incoming Students (English version)
Information available at the Erasmus window in the Facultad de Filología:
Monday-Friday 10:00- 14:00 and Monday- Thursday 15:30- 17:30
Telephone and Fax: 954556343
Vice Dean of International Relations: Wednesday and Friday 13:00- 14:00; Thursday 12:00- 16:00
Student Attention Office:: Vicedecanato de Relaciones Internacionales (next to the Secretaría)
Erasmus Student Online Registration
This first step is a matter of the Office of International Relations and should be completed at:
For any problem or question write to
Erasmus coordinators in the Facultad de Filología:
The coordinator is the professor that can help you choose your classes as well as solve any matter related to university. You can ask for advice to prepare your learning agreement. Your coordinator’s contact information can be obtained in your university. Below you can consult the information about the Coordinators in the Facultad de Filología.
Profesores Proponentes en Filología
In which subjects can an Erasmus student register?
As an Erasmus student you can choose:
1. – Subjects from the first, second, third, and fourth year of any of our degrees.
2. – Courses, Seminars, and other Academic Activities for the 2012-2013 school year, whose offer is published at
3. – Other language degrees unavailable at our faculty (e.g. Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, etc.) can be taken at the Instituto de Idiomas de la Universidad de Sevilla as well as the Spanish Degree for international students.
The following Subject Guide 2014-2015 can give you more detailed information.
It is only possible to choose an Official Master subject if given consent by the coordinating professor of the master.
If you are going to stay the whole academic year, you may choose annual classes, and courses from the first or second “cuatrimestre” (four-month period).
If you only stay one “cuatrimestre”, you should choose classes from the corresponding four-month period.
Class Syllabus (Proyecto Docente)
The class syllabus is the document in which you can see the class contents, activities, schedule, evaluation system, etc.
The classes can be given throughout the course (annual A), in the first four-month period (cuatrimestral C1), in the second four-month period (cuatrimestral C2), or in both (cuatrimestral C1 and C2).
You should keep in mind that some classes have more than one group when there are a high number of registered students. Every group has its own schedule and professor. This information is very important and it must be indicated on your registration form. You must ensure that you attend classes and take exams in the same group that appears on your registration form.
Follow the link below and then click on titulación to find the syllabus and contents of each one of your classes:
Learning Agreements
The learning agreement is a document that establishes the course equivalencies in both universities. Once your agreement is finished, you should turn it into the Secretary of the Facultad de Filología to be signed by the Vice Dean of International Relations. Remember you may ask for help from the coordinator both in Seville and in your home university.
These agreements are not to be signed by the coordinators.
The student should bring this agreement to the Office of International Relations to be signed and then sent to the home university. The Office of International Relations in Seville will keep a copy of the learning agreement.
Registration Procedures:
Registration will be done in person at the International Center (Avda. Ciudad Jardín, 20-22).
It is very important to do this promptly so that you can get your UVUS (Virtual User of the University of Seville) as soon as possible. This will allow you to access the virtual learning platform and all of the University services.
1. If necessary, seek the assistance of the coordinating professor of the bilateral agreement with your university in our Faculty to select your courses. His/her contact information can be found here or posted on the bulletin board of the International Relations Office in our Center.
2. Visit the International Center to register. Do not forget to enter the course code number and the group, and to sign the registration form.
3. The International Center will process the registration and generate a payment slip (called “carta de pago”) for you to sign and keep. This document will contain all your academic information, including the assigned groups, and will display a fee of 6,82 Euros to be paid for the Mandatory Student Health Insurance and for your Student Card. This payment will be made in a Banco de Santander branch by handing in the payment slip together with the previously mentioned amount of money.
They will be requested to the International Center in the established period.
The Student Health Insurance is only to be paid the first time.
Look at Schedules and Exams> Class Schedules at
“Horarios y Exámenes > Horarios de Clase”
Exam Information:
You will have the right to sit for two examination sessions each year according to the class duration.
- First cuatrimestre courses in February and September
- Second cuatrimestre courses in June and September
- Annual courses in June and September
The annual courses will have preliminary exams whose dates are also in the exam calendar.
You have the right to review your exam with the professor after the provisional results have been posted on the announcements board (tablón de anuncios) next to his office. The professor will announce date and time for this revision to be done in the list of the provisional results.
The final marks can be seen, once they are turned in by the professor, in the Virtual Secretary using your UVUS account.
Once the mark is definitive it will be published. There are procedures to complain about the mark and you may consult the secretary of the faculty if necessary.
Academic Calendar 2012/13:
To see the calendar follow this link.
Transcripts of Records
Records are sent to your university by the Office of International Relations once the professors have published the marks. Given the high number of Erasmus students each year, they usually take a while.
In case of urgency, you may write to
Before leaving Seville, it is recommended you confirm that your group is correct and that you have all the signatures on your learning agreement.
You can print a provisional copy of your transcript of records at the Virtual Secretary, with your UVUS account, in order to show them to your university.
If there is any error on any mark, you may contact the class professor for a solution. DO NOT forget to take note of the email addresses of all of your professors.
Accommodation in Seville
You may find helpful information about accommodation in our city following the link below:
Cultural and Linguistic Tandem (Recognized Activity)
Provisional enrollment is closed.
We will briefly inform the provisionally enrolled students (both Erasmus and Spanish) by email whether or not they have obtained a placement, and those that have will be informed of enrollment procedures.
- How does Tandem methodology work?
The “Intercambio Cultural y Lingüístico: Tándem” is based on a reciprocal learning system of cultures and languages in which the students are paired with a native speaker of their target language. The pair realizes activities aimed at improving his cultural and linguistic skills.
The projects basic objectives are:
- Improve cultural knowledge
- Improve knowledge of the target language
- Develop oral and written competence
2. What special advantages does tandem have over other language courses?
The project’s novelty is that it is offered each cuatrimestre for Erasmus students as well as for Spanish undergraduate students, giving them two ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits and 5.5 LRU credits for the Spanish students in degrees (Licenciatura). The credits are all of practical character. For this purpose, the project has a considerable number of tutors from different departments that have united their strengths to work in pairs and guide the learning process as well as evaluate results. One pair of tutors will not have more than 10 students each cuatrimestre. Any undergraduate student that participates in this recognized activity will receive two credits each cuatrimestre.
3. What are the characteristics of this program?
The tandem methodology is based on three pedagogical pillars: reciprocity, autonomy, and authenticity.
A) Reciprocity:
- Basic principle: each language will arrange tasks 50% of the time;
- Both students learn from each other (peer learning);
- Both students will support each other;
- They give mutual feedback, immediately and in equal parts.
B) Autonomy: It permits
- The students to “take control of their learning”;
- Negotiation, planning, and co-managing of a specialized learning agenda; outline their own objectives and needs;
- Reflect on experiences and individual learning needs (recurring revision of the process).
C) Authenticity:
- There is a situation with authentic communication;
- Conversational gaps of information and opinion create an authentic need;
- Tasks are close to day-to-day activities;
- Authentic negotiation and interactions are utilized to solve real problems;
- Artificial limitations (classrooms, textbooks, professors) are eliminated which helps spontaneity and real situations;
- Relations are with reliable native speakers (the students become live and natural linguistic resources).
As a method, tandem learning is not a novelty. It has been used for a long time in many European universities (Manchester, Sheffield, and Ruhr Bochum, among others). In fact, the high international recognition is due to its long history functioning with great learning success. The Facultad de Filología at the US has been using this method for more than 20 years, while in its simple modality and without official regulation.
Students can participate in the program formally (evaluated and for credit) or not evaluated, meaning out of interest without credit. Regardless if your interest is with or without credit, you must complete all tasks as you are assigned in pairs and you must complete all of the programs’ requirements (portfolios, tutor hours, etc.). This methodology has shown efficacy and the assigned task system permits one to control activities for their portfolio (minimum of 2 per cuatrimestre) that the student must complete, with monitored learning by the personalized tutors (mandatory 5 per cuatrimestre), which at the same time will form part of the student evaluation system.
The teaching technique is entirely coherent with the essence of the Governmental Team (Equipo de Gobierno) of the University that has always been in favor of language acquisition as an unavoidable necessity of professional projection, the university students’ success and the university’s research.
- At the moment, this course does not affect the Teaching Schedule, although it does have an influence on the Centre Improvement Plan (Plan de Mejora del Centro) which will affect the new degrees: the tandem methodology is recognized as one of the most effective methods in language learning.
- Even though the University of Seville recognizes this Project as part of the Political Linguistic Plan (Plan de Política Lingüística), it does not categorize this course as an official class within the European Higher Education Area (EEES).
4. What cultures and languages can I study?
The language pairs that are offered with their respective cultures are: English-Spanish, French-Spanish, Italian-Spanish, and Dutch-Spanish.
5. Where and when are the classes?
There are no classes. The students meet with their partners, September to December (first cuatrimestre) and February to May (second cuatrimestre), a total of 30 hours each four-month period. The schedule and meeting place are to be agreed on by mutual convenience. This flexibility contributes to the reciprocity, autonomy, and authenticity of this type of learning.
The only thing asked of the students is a minimum level of commitment: if one is to leave the program or not attend meetings, assume that you are leaving your partner without the possibility of completing the class.
Normally the students meet with their partners around 3 hours per week, but in reality:
- The students can meet where and when they agree;
- The students can participate in other cultural activities promoted by the University (for example, activities organized by the CICUS);
- This methodology implies 100% active participation; in fact, the credits that are offered are of practical character.
6. Who can register?
The following may enroll in this course: any Erasmus students or undergraduate students registered in an official course at the University of Seville during the current year and with a basic or higher level of a target language, and any interested visiting students. The Erasmus students should agree on their learning agreement with their coordinator.
The program can also be taken without any need to obtain credits.
We have been told by experience that the tandem methodology is MOST effective when the student HAS previously knowledge of the target language.
7. How can I register?
Fill out the Pre-Enrolment form that the Facultad de Filología needs to have before the enrollment in order to pair students (see question 8). Please, keep in mind the following:
- The pre-enrolment IS NOT enrolment in the course, rather a pre-enrolment that only facilitates the partner assignment process and for this reason it does not guarantee definitive participation in the program.
- This activity is put into practice in two cuatrimestres: make sure that you auto-enroll in the correct four-month period.
- The pre-enrollment deadline for the second cuatrimestre is the 25th of January 2013.
- The student in each tandem pair offers to act as a mentor in their native language (not in their second language in the case of bilingual students).
- If you have been admitted in the program you will receive an email with information about your partner and tutor, the date and time for the first meeting, and instructions about registering in the class. The price for each cuatrimestre is 16 Euros. The following instructions are displayed to help you:
- Deposit 16,00 Euros in the Santander Bank account number 0049-2588-71-2114241655. In the deposit’s reason you have to specify “Intercambio Cultural y Lingüístico: Tándem” and your name written in clear letters.
- Make 2 copies of the deposit receipt and send them to the following address (you can also leave them in a envelope at the Conserjería de la Facultad de Filología):
Dr. José Mª Tejedor Cabrera
Dpto. de Filología Inglesa: Literatura Inglesa y Norteamericana
Facultad de Filología
Universidad de Sevilla
C/Palos de la Frontera, s/n
41004 Sevilla.
3. In order to avoid any problem keep the receipt until you have recollected the activity certification and your credits have been added to your record.
- At the admitted students’ first meeting with their partners and tutors, the details about the course as well as requirements to complete the course successfully will be explained.
- Once you have completed the course and obtained the corresponding credits, the Erasmus students will see their marks incorporated in their transcripts. The students from the University of Seville will receive a grade certificate that will permit them to register the credits in their transcripts through the Faculty Secretary (Secretaría de la Facultad).
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Once the student turns in the pre-enrollment they will obtain a term commitment (compromiso de permanencia), which means that in the case you are assigned a partner you are obliged to complete the program activities, including communal tasks, like not leaving the program throughout its duration, as it would be prejudicial to your partner, who would have no other possible manner of completing the program requirements.
8. Where can I find the enrollment form?
The enrollment form can be completed by registering in the Virtual Classroom (Aula Virtual) in the Faculty of Filología until the 25 of January 2013. Click on the course name (be sure that it corresponds to the 2nd cuatrimestre) and register yourself. Please, read the additional information that appears in pre-enrollment carefully.
9. What tasks do I have to do?
In addition to the 30 hours of conversation with your partner each cuatrimestre, this activity requires 5 mandatory tutor sessions with your assigned tutor. In each of these sessions (approximately every 15 days) you should present a journal of each of the partner meetings. These journals form part of a portfolio, as well as two mandatory cultural activities, of which you may choose from a variety, although one of these activities can be set up by you and your partner if you wish. The mandatory activities can be completed by attending activities offered by the Cultural Initiative Centre of the University of Seville (CICUS).
10. How will I be evaluated?
You will be evaluated on your personal progress (according to an “ipsative” model). The portfolio will qualify as 50% of your final mark, and the other 50% will be contributed by your cultural and linguistic learning progress, developed in your meetings with your partner; for this reason, it is extremely important that you attend every single tutor session, as it is the only method in which your tutor can check your progress. Remember that the 5 tutor sessions are mandatory. You could always do more, with the consent of your tutor, but never less, as this is how they will evaluate your class mark.
- The students’ progress will always be evaluated by a professor in the field of the target language. This means that the students that are not Spanish speakers will be evaluated by a Spanish professor, while the students studying French will be evaluated by a French professor, etc.
- The student will have to show an improvement in the command of the target language and cultural knowledge of that language.
- The student should have obtained listening and reading comprehension skills, as well as speaking and writing skills.
- The European Framework of Reference for Languages will be used to evaluate the students’ progress.
The qualification and evaluation system is the following:
1. Portfolio mark: 4 completed mandatory tasks:
1.1. 1st mandatory activity: 15% of total
1.2. 2nd mandatory activity (that can be free choice/creation): 15% of total
1.3. Journal (mandatory): 15 %
1.4. Mutual evaluation (mandatory): 5% of total
There are detailed rubrics for each of the proposed tasks.
The portfolio total is 50% of the class mark.
2. The 5 arranged mandatory tutor sessions
2.1. The tutor will evaluate the progress of each of the aspects detailed in the tutors’ rubrics.
The tutor session total is 50% of the class mark.
11. What is the professors’ role?
In this methodology we speak about “tutors” more than “professors,” since their role is to guide the student pairs in learning and to evaluate the result of their tasks.
A tutor is responsible for no more than 5 students per cuatrimestre. Among their commitments, they perform a preliminary evaluation of the students and coordinate the students’ activities; they also carry out 5 tutor sessions with each student and evaluate their cultural and linguistic study progress, as much oral as written.
The professors therefore work in pairs; for example, the professors that evaluate the foreign students’ progress should be specialized in Hispanic studies.
12. Following the Project
A survey will be available for the students to determine their level of satisfaction at the end of the cuatrimestre. This self-evaluation, tutor and partner progress evaluation is a mandatory task. In last year’s edition, the results were the following:
12.1. Statistical Class Information (2011-12):
Number of Registered Students | 110 |
Failed (F) | 1 |
Passed (C) | 4 |
Notable (B) | 12 |
Outstanding (A) | 18 |
Taken for Non-Credit | 18 |
No show | 59 |
Total of evaluated students | 35 |
Average qualification: 8.54
12.2. Students’ programme experience assessment during the course 2011-12:
Student Response | 4.2 of 5 |
13. Contact Information.
If you need more assistance, you may address the activity’s Academic Coordinator, José Mª Tejedor, by email or telephone 954551559.
Access to the Facultad de Filología’s Virtual Classroom (for pre-enrollment and following the course):