
 If ever I catch you at it,mind, it's you that will cocottch it! I'll tackle you to feel if youhave a few devils in you. Holy gun, I'll give it to you, hot, highand heavy before you can say sedro! Or may the maledictionsof Lousyfear fall … [Leer más...]


Anything but that, for the fear and love of gold! Onceand for all, I'll have no college swankies (you see, I am wellvoiced in love's arsenal and all its overtures from collion boysto colleen bawns so I have every reason to know that rogues'gallery … [Leer más...]


And our local busybody, talker-go-bragk. Worse again! Off ofthat praying fan on to them priars! It would be a whorable stateof affairs altogether for the redcolumnists of presswritten epics,Peter Paragraph and Paulus Puff, (I'm keepsoaking them to … [Leer más...]


What has that caught to sing with him? The next flingyou'll be squitting on the Tubber Nakel, pouring pitchers to thewell for old Gloatsdane's glorification and the postequities ofthe Black Watch, peeping private from the Bush … [Leer más...]