475.23-475.31 Estos son los cuatro: Gregorio, León, Tarpey y McSunny


First klettered Shanator

Gregory, seeking spoor through the deep timefield, Shanator

Lyons, trailing the wavy line of his partition footsteps (some-

thing in his blisters was telling him all along how he had

been in that place one time), then his Recordership, Dr Shuna-

dure Tarpey, caperchasing after honourable sleep, hot on to the

aniseed and, up out of his prompt corner, old Shunny MacShunny,

MacDougal the hiker, in the rere of them on the run, to make a



Primero el ruidoso shen-a-tor Gregorio, buscando su rastro por campos y épocasregistrador. el shen-a-tor León, siguiendo las huella ondulada de sus pasos (algo en sus ampollas le repetía que ya había estado allí), y luego el Registrador,  el shen-a-tor Tarpey, buscando tras el sueño honorable, cargado de anisado y, saliendo de la cueva de apuntador, nuestro grn Shunny MacShunny, el escalador MaDougal, detrás de todos, para completar el quorum.

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