And in their minds years backslibris, so it was, slipping beauty, how they would be meshing that way, when he rose to it, with the planckton at play about him, the quivers of scaly silver and their clutches of chromes of the highly … [Continuar leyendo]
477.18-22 Así pescaban así así (Los Cuatro a Shaun)
For it was in the back of their mind's ear, temptive lissomer, how they would be spreading in quadriliberal their azurespotted fine attractable nets, their nansen nets, from Matt Senior to the thurrible mystagogue after him and … [Continuar leyendo]
477.10-17 los cuatro pescan al muchacho
And as they were spreading abroad on their octopuds their drifter nets, the chromous gleamy seiners' nets and, no lie, there was word of assonance being softspoken among those quartermasters. — Get busy, kid! — Chirpy, come now! — The … [Continuar leyendo]
477.01-10 Al habla los cuatro. Escucha: Shaun recién nacido
En rincón de lectura … [Continuar leyendo]
Olga Fernández: Goian Bego!
Conocí a Paco, o, a Tortosa, como me referí a él durante muchos años hace ya más de dos décadas, cuando me presenté en Salamanca con 28 ó 29 años, recién casada, iniciando mi doctorado y más miedo que vergüenza. La verdad es que, como todos los que … [Continuar leyendo]